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V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR.STARTS is higher than expected due to NLJ batching/Prefetching

Recently one of our developers asked me to explain why V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR.STARTS is higher than expected for one particular query.

Here is a problem query (some columns are hidden to preserve readability):

SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=40624586)
| Id |                Operation                |        Name        | Execs |   Rows   | Read  | Read  | Activity |      Activity Detail       |
|    |                                         |                    |       | (Actual) | Reqs  | Bytes |   (%)    |        (# samples)         |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                        |                    |     1 |        0 |       |       |          |                            |
|  1 |   NESTED LOOPS                          |                    |     1 |        0 |       |       |          |                            |
|  2 |    NESTED LOOPS                         |                    |     1 |    62594 |       |       |          |                            |
|  3 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED | MAIN_TABLE         |     1 |    62594 | 22777 | 178MB |    25.89 | Cpu (1)                    |
|    |                                         |                    |       |          |       |       |          | db file parallel read (28) |
|  4 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                   | MAIN_TABLE_I       |     1 |    62594 |    25 | 200KB |          |                            |
|  5 |     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                   | CHILD_TABLE_PK     |  109K |    62594 | 63798 | 498MB |    71.43 | Cpu (2)                    |
|    |                                         |                    |       |          |       |       |          | db file parallel read (78) |
|  6 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID          | CHILD_TABLE        |  105K |        0 |  1402 |  11MB |     1.79 | db file parallel read (2)  |

You can see that the query obtained 62K rows at step 3, but notice a number of "Execs" at step 5: 109K. It is almost twice as higher than 62K. The number of rows (Rows (Actual)) is correct, though. I checked the relevant columns in the V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR view (STARTS/OUTPUT_ROWS) and verified that there is no discrepancy between the V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR view and the DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR output.

I investigated this issue further and constructed a simple test case which can be used to reproduce the issue.

SQL> create table fact
  2  as
  3  select date '2015-08-01' + trunc(level/4)/86400 fact_date,
  4         lpad('x', 240, 'x') padding,
  5         mod(level, 100000) dim_id
  6    from dual
  7    connect by level<=4*86400;

Table created.

SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats( '', 'fact')

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> create table dim
  2  as
  3  select trunc(dbms_random.value(1,100000)) id,
  4         lpad('x', 340, 'x') padding
  5    from dual
  6    connect by level<=2*86400;

Table created.

SQL> create index dim_i on dim(id);

Index created.

SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats( '', 'dim')

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

The script creates two tables, FACT and DIM, populates them with sample data, and gathers statistics. Let us flush the buffer cache and execute the test query:

SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;

System altered.

SQL> select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f)*/
  2         count(f.padding),
  3         count(d.padding)
  4    from fact f,
  5         dim d
  6   where f.fact_date between to_date('01.08.2015 12:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') and to_date('01.08.2015 12:10', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi')
  7     and d.id = f.dim_id;

---------------- ----------------
            4214             4214

1 row selected.


Obtain the DBMS_SQLTUNE report for the last query:

SQL> select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor from dual;

SQL Monitoring Report

SQL Text
select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f)*/ count(f.padding), count(d.padding) from fact f, dim d where f.fact_date between to_date('01.08.2015 12:00

.. skip..

SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=85884857)
| Id |            Operation            | Name  |  Rows   | Cost  |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read | Read  | Activity |   Activity Detail    |
|    |                                 |       | (Estim) |       | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs | Bytes |   (%)    |     (# samples)      |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                |       |         |       |        10 |    +14 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                      |
|  1 |   SORT AGGREGATE                |       |       1 |       |        10 |    +14 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                      |
|  2 |    NESTED LOOPS                 |       |         |       |        10 |    +14 |     1 |     4214 |      |       |          |                      |
|  3 |     NESTED LOOPS                |       |    5025 | 11890 |        10 |    +14 |     1 |     4214 |      |       |          |                      |
|  4 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL          | FACT  |    2408 |  3535 |        23 |     +1 |     1 |     2404 |  109 | 100MB |     8.70 | Cpu (1)              |
|    |                                 |       |         |       |           |        |       |          |      |       |          | direct path read (1) |
|  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN           | DIM_I |       2 |     1 |        10 |    +14 |  2539 |     4214 |  562 |   4MB |          |                      |
|  6 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | DIM   |       2 |     4 |        22 |     +2 |  7582 |     4214 | 2810 |  22MB |    91.30 | Cpu (21)             |

Thus, the issue was reproduced: step 4 of the plan generated 2402 rows, but the number of executions at line 5 is 2539 which is slightly greater than 2402. It was not by accident that I flushed the buffer cache before executing the query as it can be seen further.

If I run the same query again, the DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR report shows that the number of executions in line 5 equals to the number of rows in line 4:

SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=85884857)
| Id |            Operation            | Name  |  Rows   | Cost  |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read | Read  | Activity | Activity Detail |
|    |                                 |       | (Estim) |       | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs | Bytes |   (%)    |   (# samples)   |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                |       |         |       |         1 |     +0 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                 |
|  1 |   SORT AGGREGATE                |       |       1 |       |         1 |     +0 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                 |
|  2 |    NESTED LOOPS                 |       |         |       |         1 |     +0 |     1 |     4214 |      |       |          |                 |
|  3 |     NESTED LOOPS                |       |    5025 | 11890 |         1 |     +0 |     1 |     4214 |      |       |          |                 |
|  4 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL          | FACT  |    2408 |  3535 |         1 |     +0 |     1 |     2404 |  108 | 100MB |          |                 |
|  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN           | DIM_I |       2 |     1 |         1 |     +0 |  2404 |     4214 |      |       |          |                 |
|  6 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | DIM   |       2 |     4 |         1 |     +0 |  4214 |     4214 |      |       |          |                 |

That makes me think that the difference between executions and rows were caused by nested loop join batching and table prefetching. Is it possible to prove this?

First, let us see how the physical reads cache prefetch statistic gets changed after executing the query:

SQL> select n.name, s.value
  2    from v$statname n, v$mystat s
  3   where n.name like '%prefetch%'
  4     and s.statistic#=n.statistic#
  5     and s.value>0
  6   order by n.name;

NAME                                VALUE
------------------------------ ----------
physical reads cache prefetch      127987

1 row selected.

SQL> select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f)*/
  2         count(f.padding),
  3         count(d.padding)
  4    from fact f,
  5         dim d
  6   where f.fact_date between to_date('01.08.2015 12:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') and to_date('01.08.2015 12:10', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi')
  7     and d.id = f.dim_id;

---------------- ----------------
            4214             4214

1 row selected.

SQL> select n.name, s.value
  2    from v$statname n, v$mystat s
  3   where n.name like '%prefetch%'
  4     and s.statistic#=n.statistic#
  5     and s.value>0
  6   order by n.name;

NAME                                VALUE
------------------------------ ----------
physical reads cache prefetch      131321

1 row selected.

The physical reads cache prefetch statistic gets increased by 3334 blocks (131321-127987).

Secondly, once nls_batching is disabled, there is no difference between executions and rows:

SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;

System altered.

SQL> select n.name, s.value
  2    from v$statname n, v$mystat s
  3   where n.name like '%prefetch%'
  4     and s.statistic#=n.statistic#
  5     and s.value>0
  6   order by n.name;

NAME                                VALUE
------------------------------ ----------
physical reads cache prefetch      137989

1 row selected.

SQL> select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f) opt_param('_nlj_batching_enabled' 0)*/
  2         count(f.padding),
  3         count(d.padding)
  4    from fact f,
  5         dim d
  6   where f.fact_date between to_date('01.08.2015 12:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') and to_date('01.08.2015 12:10', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi')
  7     and d.id = f.dim_id;

---------------- ----------------
            4214             4214

1 row selected.

SQL> select n.name, s.value
  2    from v$statname n, v$mystat s
  3   where n.name like '%prefetch%'
  4     and s.statistic#=n.statistic#
  5     and s.value>0
  6   order by n.name;

NAME                                VALUE
------------------------------ ----------
physical reads cache prefetch      137989

1 row selected.

SQL> select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor from dual;

SQL Monitoring Report

SQL Text
select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f) opt_param('_nlj_batching_enabled' 0)*/ count(f.padding), count(d.padding) from fact f, dim d where f.fact_date be
 and d.id = f.dim_id

.. skip ..

SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=1381503666)
| Id |           Operation            | Name  |  Rows   | Cost  |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read | Read  | Activity |       Activity Detail       |
|    |                                |       | (Estim) |       | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs | Bytes |   (%)    |         (# samples)         |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT               |       |         |       |         1 |     +2 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                             |
|  1 |   SORT AGGREGATE               |       |       1 |       |         1 |     +2 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                             |
|  2 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | DIM   |       2 |     4 |         2 |     +1 |     1 |     4214 | 3360 |  26MB |   100.00 | db file sequential read (2) |
|  3 |     NESTED LOOPS               |       |    5025 | 11890 |         1 |     +2 |     1 |     6619 |      |       |          |                             |
|  4 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL         | FACT  |    2408 |  3535 |         1 |     +2 |     1 |     2404 |  109 | 100MB |          |                             |
|  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN          | DIM_I |       2 |     1 |         1 |     +2 |  2404 |     4214 |   12 | 98304 |          |                             |

1 row selected.

Alternatively, to obtain a classic nested loop join plan, the no_nlj_prefetch hint can be added:

SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;

System altered.

SQL> select n.name, s.value
  2    from v$statname n, v$mystat s
  3   where n.name like '%prefetch%'
  4     and s.statistic#=n.statistic#
  5     and s.value>0
  6   order by n.name;

NAME                                VALUE
------------------------------ ----------
physical reads cache prefetch      137989

1 row selected.

SQL> select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f) opt_param('_nlj_batching_enabled' 0) no_nlj_prefetch(d)*/
  2         count(f.padding),
  3         count(d.padding)
  4    from fact f,
  5         dim d
  6   where f.fact_date between to_date('01.08.2015 12:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') and to_date('01.08.2015 12:10', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi')
  7     and d.id = f.dim_id;

---------------- ----------------
            4214             4214

1 row selected.

SQL> select n.name, s.value
  2    from v$statname n, v$mystat s
  3   where n.name like '%prefetch%'
  4     and s.statistic#=n.statistic#
  5     and s.value>0
  6   order by n.name;

NAME                                VALUE
------------------------------ ----------
physical reads cache prefetch      137989

1 row selected.

SQL> select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor from dual;

SQL Monitoring Report

SQL Text
select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f) opt_param('_nlj_batching_enabled' 0) no_nlj_prefetch(d)*/ count(f.padding), count(d.padding) from fact f, dim d wh
d.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') and d.id = f.dim_id

.. skip ..

SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=676372893)
| Id |            Operation            | Name  |  Rows   | Cost  |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read | Read  | Activity |       Activity Detail       |
|    |                                 |       | (Estim) |       | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs | Bytes |   (%)    |         (# samples)         |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                |       |         |       |         1 |     +2 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                             |
|  1 |   SORT AGGREGATE                |       |       1 |       |         1 |     +2 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                             |
|  2 |    NESTED LOOPS                 |       |    5025 | 11890 |         1 |     +2 |     1 |     4214 |      |       |          |                             |
|  3 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL           | FACT  |    2408 |  3535 |         1 |     +2 |     1 |     2404 |  109 | 100MB |          |                             |
|  4 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | DIM   |       2 |     4 |         2 |     +2 |  2404 |     4214 | 3360 |  26MB |    66.67 | Cpu (1)                     |
|    |                                 |       |         |       |           |        |       |          |      |       |          | db file sequential read (1) |
|  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN           | DIM_I |       2 |     1 |         1 |     +2 |  2404 |     4214 |   12 | 98304 |          |                             |

I searched for similar issues on MOS and found Bug 13634445 : V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR AND NL BATCHING IN 11G which has status 92 "Closed, Not a Bug".

Another interesting observation is that by adding the gather_plan_statistics hint the prefetching is disabled for the query resolving the V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR "discrepancy".

SQL> alter system flush buffer_cache;

System altered.

SQL> select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f) gather_plan_statistics*/
  2         count(f.padding),
  3         count(d.padding)
  4    from fact f,
  5         dim d
  6   where f.fact_date between to_date('01.08.2015 12:00', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') and to_date('01.08.2015 12:10', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi')
  7     and d.id = f.dim_id;

---------------- ----------------
            4214             4214

1 row selected.

SQL> select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor from dual;

SQL Monitoring Report

SQL Text
select /*+ monitor leading(f) use_nl(d) full(f) gather_plan_statistics*/ count(f.padding), count(d.padding) from fact f, dim d where f.fact_date between to_date('


SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=85884857)
| Id |            Operation            | Name  |  Rows   | Cost  |   Time    | Start  | Execs |   Rows   | Read | Read  | Activity |       Activity Detail       |
|    |                                 |       | (Estim) |       | Active(s) | Active |       | (Actual) | Reqs | Bytes |   (%)    |         (# samples)         |
|  0 | SELECT STATEMENT                |       |         |       |         8 |     +2 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                             |
|  1 |   SORT AGGREGATE                |       |       1 |       |         8 |     +2 |     1 |        1 |      |       |          |                             |
|  2 |    NESTED LOOPS                 |       |         |       |         8 |     +2 |     1 |     4214 |      |       |          |                             |
|  3 |     NESTED LOOPS                |       |    5025 | 11890 |         8 |     +2 |     1 |     4214 |      |       |          |                             |
|  4 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL          | FACT  |    2408 |  3535 |         9 |     +1 |     1 |     2404 |  109 | 100MB |    11.11 | direct path read (1)        |
|  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN           | DIM_I |       2 |     1 |         8 |     +2 |  2404 |     4214 |   12 | 98304 |          |                             |
|  6 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | DIM   |       2 |     4 |         8 |     +2 |  4214 |     4214 | 3360 |  26MB |    88.89 | db file sequential read (8) |