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Temporary LOBs

I have recently optimized one of processes working with LOBs and decided to write a blog post about it.

Starting Oracle Database on Demand Using Socket Activation

I remember watching a video about Amazon Aurora Serverless where it was demonstrated that your database can be started on demand when the first connection comes. Although it is not something that you might want for your 24x7 OLTP database, it can come in handy for Development environments that have the intermittent usage pattern. I decided to write a blog post about how that can be done for an Oracle Database server working on a systemd-based Linux Operating System.

That Old Restart Problem Strikes Back: Triggers to the Rescue

Database triggers are notoriously known for slowing down DML operations. Yet, they lead to a remarkable consequence while applying to the first post of this series in which I demonstrated statement restarts within a single user session updating a non-partitioned table.

That Old Restart Problem Strikes Back: Getting What You Pay for

During my previous research, I was also testing the same UPDATE statement against a partitioned table. I was slightly puzzled that I did not observe any statement restarts in the performance statistics, even after I updated tens of millions of rows in the partitioned table. It turns out that there are still statement restarts there, however, they do not lead to such dreadful ramifications when a table is being read three times.