DOC>################################################################################ DOC> Demonstration for Bug 30528947: Nested Query Using CURSOR Expression Returns DOC>Wrong Result (Doc ID 30528947.8) DOC>################################################################################ DOC># SQL> SQL> drop table t1; Table dropped. SQL> drop table t2; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> create table t1(id int); Table created. SQL> create table t2(id int); Table created. SQL> SQL> insert into t1 values (1); 1 row created. SQL> insert into t2 values (1); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> alter session set events 'sql_trace bind=true'; Session altered. SQL> SQL> doc DOC>############################## DOC> One row, different value DOC>############################## DOC># SQL> select cursor( 2 select query_type 3 from (select 'A' query_type 4 from t1 t11 5 where exists ( 6 select null 7 from t2 t21 8 where = 9 union all 10 select 'B' query_type 11 from t1 t12 12 where not exists ( 13 select null 14 from t2 t22 15 where = 16 ) 17 ) data 18 from dual; DATA -------------------- CURSOR STATEMENT : 1 CURSOR STATEMENT : 1 Q - B SQL> SQL> doc DOC> The cursor subquery DOC># SQL> select query_type 2 from (select 'A' query_type 3 from t1 t11 4 where exists ( 5 select null 6 from t2 t21 7 where = 8 union all 9 select 'B' query_type 10 from t1 t12 11 where not exists ( 12 select null 13 from t2 t22 14 where = 15 ); Q - A SQL> doc DOC>############################## DOC> More rows DOC>############################## DOC># SQL> SQL> select cursor( 2 select query_type 3 from (select 'A' query_type 4 from t1 t11 5 union all 6 select 'B' query_type 7 from t1 t12 8 where not exists ( 9 select null 10 from t2 t22 11 where = 12 ) 13 ) data 14 from dual; DATA -------------------- CURSOR STATEMENT : 1 CURSOR STATEMENT : 1 Q - A B SQL> SQL> doc DOC> The cursor subquery DOC># SQL> select query_type 2 from (select 'A' query_type 3 from t1 t11 4 union all 5 select 'B' query_type 6 from t1 t12 7 where not exists ( 8 select null 9 from t2 t22 10 where = 11 ); Q - A SQL> SQL> doc DOC>############################## DOC> Less rows DOC>############################## DOC># SQL> SQL> select cursor( 2 select query_type 3 from (select 'A' query_type 4 from t1 t11 5 where exists ( 6 select null 7 from t2 t21 8 where = 9 union all 10 select 'B' query_type 11 from t1 t12 12 where exists ( 13 select null 14 from t2 t22 15 where = 16 ) 17 ) data 18 from dual; DATA -------------------- CURSOR STATEMENT : 1 CURSOR STATEMENT : 1 no rows selected SQL> SQL> doc DOC> The cursor subquery DOC># SQL> select query_type 2 from (select 'A' query_type 3 from t1 t11 4 where exists ( 5 select null 6 from t2 t21 7 where = 8 union all 9 select 'B' query_type 10 from t1 t12 11 where exists ( 12 select null 13 from t2 t22 14 where = 15 ) 16 ; Q - A B